Our Governing Body – September 2023
Chair of Governors: Mr. Ashley Evans (LA Governor)
Vice Chair: Mr Ian Slim (Foundation Governor)
Parent Governors: Mr Andrew Haslam, Mr Blaine Williams, Mrs Adele Friend
Co-opted Governors: Mr Tim Gilligan, Mr Martin Fisher, Mr Robert Thornber
Staff Governor: Mr Joseph Allen
Clerk to Governors: Helen Kay
All school Governors serve a 4 year term. They act as a ‘critical friend’, working voluntarily to strategically oversee the running of the school.
If you would like to contact our Governing Body, please write to our Chair of Governors at the school, care of the school office.
Minutes of all committee meetings are available upon request from the school office.
Governor Information
Academic Year 2023/24
Academic Year 2022/23
Governor Attendance
Governor-Attendance-2022-23 Governing-Body-1st-September-2022-to-31st-August-2023-for-Website-1Statement Concerning Financial Management by the Governing Body
“The school has strong financial performance and governance which is consistently recognised through the 3 yearly external audit. The school manages its resources effectively within its budget. Each year the Resources Committee reviews and inputs into the budget and recommends it for sign off to the Governing Body. During the year, the Resources Committee reviews progress against this budget, ensuring an understanding of any variances to the original expectations. To ensure that the Resources Committee has the required skills to be able to carry out these duties a skills audit is carried out on a regular basis. The current Resources Committee membership has strong financial and strategic skills through its membership, including a CPFA (Chartered Institute of Public Financial Accountants) Professional Accountant with public sector experience.”